What does it mean to Conclude a course? How does an instructor control student access?

"Concluding" a course means the instructor is declaring the course officially over. Courses can also conclude automatically, if the course's semester (term) has ended.
How does an instructor conclude a course?
In your course, choose Settings, then Conclude this Course

What effect does it have to conclude a course?
After a course is concluded, a Teacher:
  • Can view but Cannot add or publish Announcements
  • Can view but Cannot create or modify Assignments
  • Can view but Cannot modify student grades
  • Can view but Cannot upload or delete files.
  • Can view but Cannot create, publish, or delete pages.
  • Can view but Cannot modify enrollments
  • Can view but Cannot modify course settings
After a course is concluded, a Student:
  • Can view Announcements
  • Can view but cannot upload Assignments
  • Can view grades
  • Can view but Cannot edit pages.
How can I unconclude a course?
A course instructor cannot unconclude a course. This can only be done by an administrator.
I don't see the Conclude button!
This happens if the course belongs to a Term that is already expired. For example, if the course belongs to term Fall 2014, and today's date is June 1, 2015, the Conclude button will not appear.
How do I prevent students from viewing a course entirely?
Unpublish the course.
Can material from a concluded course be copied by an instructor?
Yes. Go to the destination course, settings, and select "Import Content into this Course" on the right.
On the next screen, choose "Copy a Canvas course" and be sure that the checkbox "Include Completed Courses" is CHECKED. This will allow you to find concluded courses and import that content.


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