SimpleSyllabus Data Feed

SimpleSyllabus requires a periodic data feed of four files.
section.csv holds what we call Courses in Canvas
course.csv relates courses to a department for editing purposes
account.csv holds user accounts
section roles.csv relates user accounts to courses and establishes course role

2019 Spring (SPH-SGPH),PHD,1123-,Spring 2019 Community Health Promotion Theory and Practice (2191PHD-1123L100),Health Promotion and Behavorial Sciences

semester: The full semester name in Canvas. Note: This must reflect a value already created in the SimpleSyllabus admin panel. Case-sensitive
prefix: Three or four letter value from SIS. Note: This must reflect a value already created in the SimpleSyllabus admin panel. Case-sensitive
course_number: Five character numeric string. relates to class_number field in section.csv
title: Full title as it exists in Canvas
department: String value describing a group created in the SimpleSyllabus admin panel. Used to group syllabi for editing, and to control who can edit the group. Note: This must reflect a value already created in the SimpleSyllabus admin panel. Case-sensitive
active: possible values are inactive, and anything else (= active)

2019 Spring (SPH-SGPH),PHD,L100,1123,3,in person,2191PHD-1123L100

semester: The full semester name in Canvas. Note: This must reflect a value already created in the SimpleSyllabus admin panel. Case-sensitive
prefix: Three or four letter value from SIS. Note: This must reflect a value already created in the course_number: Four character numeric string.
section_name:  Four character alpha numeric string
credits: number of credit hours
course_format: SimpleSyllabus will need a list of possible values we want to use here beforehand. For now: In person, ITV, online. Case-sensitive
class_number: Full course ID as used in Canvas
active: possible values are inactive, and anything else (= active)


degree (any text here will do, or no text)
title (any text here will do, or no text)
department (any text here will do, or no text)
campus (any text here will do, or no text)
office (any text here will do, or no text)
phone (any text here will do, or no text)
office_hours (any text here will do, or no text)
uid: UUID of user in Canvas, UTH Directory, etc.
active: possible values are inactive, and anything else (= active)

section roles.csv

role: Options: instructor, student, or secondary instructor. Note: Secondary instructors do not have the ability to edit Syllabus, but do appear in the syllabus as secondary instructors
account_uid: UUID of user with this role, relates to account.csv above
class_number: Full course ID as used in Canvas, relates to sections.csv above
active: possible values are inactive, and anything else (= active)


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